Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pomparaug Musings

I have a few sections of various rivers on my explore list. Unfortunately, the weather today does not favor my plans. An expected hot day with gusty winds pushes me toward something shorter and closer to home.

I put in on Lake Zoar, the second reservoir on the Housatonic above the sea. It is on my short list of places I least like to canoe in. The lake is popular with motorboats and jetski things. It also features a delightful stretch of beach-blanket-bingo houses wedged in between the lake and Interstate 84. But, if you get an early start...

I paddle up in the shade of a protected patch of forest, cross the wide bit below the highway bridge, and head up a tributary, the Pomperaug. It goes quiet in no time flat.

I've been up in here several times, and it is the best bit of paddling on the reservoir. There are some modest cabins, but there is also a lot of forest with the river down in a deep valley. I go as far as the boulder garden.

I've never seen enough water in the boulder garden to even line a canoe through. I have yet to get up enough gumption to portage/line the canoe up through what looks like at least a quarter mile of boulder garden. It looks like such a great river to paddle in a great location, if there is enough water upstream to float a canoe. This time, I decide to do some land (automobile) based exploring and see what the river looks like up higher. I turn around and paddle out. 

The Three Stooges are launching their personal water crafts just as I get back to my put-in. Moe is yelling at Larry and Curly. I timed this perfectly.

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