Saturday, December 9, 2023

Lord Cove Eagle Count

 Today is the calm before the storm. In fact, my morning news included a note that the 4th section of the Housatonic, which is a reservoir that i frequently paddle, is being drawn down to 2-1/2 feet below minimum in preparation for the rain. It was tempting to go there just to see what was exposed, particularly in the upper section of the Shephaug arm, where the reservoir depth is near the natural stream level. 

Instead, I headed east and finally pulled in at the Pilgrim Landing access. It was sunny, but with a layer of clouds moving in. There was a light wind out of the southeast. The visual was a winter marsh; standing dried cattails with steely gray clouds laying over it all. But, the winter marsh was only a visual today, because there was no sting in the toes or fingers as the temperature was nearing 55F.

I chatted with a fisherman at the put-in. He'd caught a couple, but no keepers. I headed into Lord Cove. The wind was at my back, but coming from the southeast, the high hillside shoreline would blank out the wind on the return.

I spotted two large immature Bald Eagles before traveling a 1/4 mile. Neither had any white in their feathers yet, so they're probably first or second year. 

The paddling was easy, a bit of wind behind me and a light ebb tide against me. There was no one else about and the adjective for the day was definitely, "peaceful".

I made my typical long circuit of the cove, heading back into the two eastern arms, circling Coults hole and the "other" loop. The wind has died down to almost nothing by the time I come out.

I keep spotting Eagles. Up to about the first half dozen sightings, I'm know it is two and maybe a third Eagle. Then, I spot one far off in a nest by Ely's Ferry. Then, on the way out, I spot one with some whitening in the feathers. I circle Calves Island to make the trip a bit longer, and spot another perched on a buoy, and another on the island. They're all immatures. I think it is six individuals. It's a pretty good Eagle count for the length of the trip.



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