Two immature Bald Eagles circle over the put-in.
I set out, leaving my camera in its waterproof box, deciding to paddle for awhile without the distraction. It's one of those scientific facts, that the observation of an experiment changes the experiment. Anyway, I was even thinking about how I would write in my journal about leaving the camera boxed away, and rounding the first point, where I consider myself to be entering the cove, was a bobcat, not thirty feet away. I know with fair certainty that if I go for the camera, the bobcat will be gone. I keep and eye on the bobcat as it walks warily away on a steep slab of bedrock that is the shoreline. I fumble the camera out of the box, but the bobcat is behind some brush by that time. It disappears like the ghost animal that it is.
I head into the U-channel. I normally leave this route for the end of the trip, such as when I need just a little more canoe time, as the other possibilities in this marsh are more interesting. I flush a few Common Mergansers and Buffleheads as I turn in. I spot three dark birds, probably Red Wing Blackbirds, in the reeds, which are still standing as we have not had any heavy snowfall. They trill, confirming my guess. In the U-channel, I flush some Teal, Black Ducks, more Common Mergansers and Buffleheads, one Harrier, and a pair of Hooded Mergansers.
I head up into the upper arm where there has been a very productive Eagle nest. The nest is still there, but I see no activity. I would expect that eggs would be laid by now, but I'll just have to check back later. I take one of the small side channels. It dead ends just a few yards from the Ely Ferry Road and I can see a landmark house near the shore. I might, some day, do the portage and make this trip into a loop.
Heading back, I divert over to the little wood bridge, just in time to see three women ride their horses over. Then, I continue out, crossing the very shallow Goose Bay to get into the main river and round the bottom of Goose Island back towards the put-in.
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