Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ants in My Pants

From the canoe -
I spot a raccoon walking the drift logs on the edge of the north marsh. Ducks move into the water as it nears them. It disappears into the cattails, but sunning turtles sliding off of a log signal its approach and soon it reappears. Then it is gone again. A kingfisher flies past. A small iridescent blue swallow dips and darts low over the lily pads hunting insects. A heron stands, still, just ten yards away. My legs burn from swamp ant bites that I got while dragging a truck tire out of the lake. Back in the NE lagoon, there are many wood ducks and dragonflies. A heron flies out of the brush. Herons look so out of place when they fly through dense woods. One would think that those long wings would not pass. I grab another tire. It has sat, for years, just 50 yards from several very expensive lakefront homes. I wonder why they would let something like that just sit there for so long...


nsarmila said...

hello, Apart from your trip in search of debris,this piece of writing is beautifully expressed.i enjoyed the description except the lines of 'ant bites'....ha..ha..ok.i appreciate the way you look at wishes from sarmila.bye...

Scott Schuldt said...

Thanks. those ants really get mad when I step on the bog and push there house underwater. I still have red marks on my legs.