Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Lunchcounter

I decided to call this spot, the lunchcounter. It has a nicer ring than "rich peoples unused dock" and apparently this is one of the resident eagles favorite dining spots. As I was crossing the bay today, I spotted an otter. I didn't expect to see an otter 500 yds from the nearest shore, but there it was, diving and eating. The eagle flew by at that point and scared some crows away from the pilings and perched. It turned out that it had just picked up lunch, which appeared to be a small rodent. The splash and black spot in the water is a couple of otters. There were four, three pups with an adult babysitter, so along with the fifth out in the middle of the bay, this is probably the same family that I have been seeing. It was a beautiful morning with clear skys in the east as the sun came up and dark clouds in the west, but I goofed around long enough that I didn't get out until it clouded over. Several people were out birdwatching - they need to get a boat, it's always a better view from a boat.

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